Talent selection, Uncategorized
When small businesses staff up, they don’t always know what or who they’re looking for. They may have titles in mind, but not clear agreement on the traits and motivation that are needed to do the job. This is not being slack. It’s the norm. Written job descriptions...
Talent selection, Uncategorized
Let’s look at extroverts. There’s a lot more to personality profiles than whether someone is an “I” or an “E,” as Myers-Briggs might suggest to the casual user. Talent professionals get this and know it’s vital to drill down with MBTI and other assessments....
Development, Leadership development
Recently, we were asked how companies measure if their workplace cultures are successful? Good question. We’re so often asked about how to find the problems! Point number one: start by looking for transparency, openness and honesty. Let’s clarify....
Development, Uncategorized
Photo: Adobe Stock Immature leadership? No wonder we have so many people leading who simply aren’t prepared. In the past there were many more layers of management. Those days are long gone. As organizations flattened for efficiency, they lost critical training grounds...
Development, News, Training and Development ROI
What’s your ROI on learning initiatives and your overall training and development budget? Don’t feel bad if you don’t have that figure handy. It’s been a topic of debate for decades. Maybe it’s similar to advertising… “Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted;...
News, Simulations, Uncategorized
Simulations are powerful learning tools, unfortunately many of them rely on teams working closely together. How can you get around this during the pandemic? Consider the PressTime simulation. It’s ideal as a leader-level sim, because it’s always been computer based....
Assessments, News, Talent selection, Uncategorized
Mike Warrick’s motivation was to sit down with Alison Nolan, formerly an HR partner at Volvo Group and now with the human development NGO (non-governmental organization), fhi360 to get insights from the field on the topic of motivational assessments. “Hiring...
News, Talent acquisition, Talent selection, Uncategorized
Ever made a wrong hire in your business? Whether you are a large or small organization, have low or high turnover, you probably think you understand the cost of hiring someone new into your company. There’s the cost of advertising, interviewing, drug testing,...
Assessments, Uncategorized
Are you getting the most out of your people? It’s complicated. Increasing employee engagement is a critical component of a healthy workplace. If you’re looking for ways to improve this important metric, keep reading to learn how you can get more from your talented...
Assessments, Talent selection, Uncategorized
What is motivation and why does it matter? To learn more, we had insightful conversations with a psychologist who develops assessments and an HR expert who uses them. Dr. Brett Wells and Alison Nolan, respectively. When you use assessments to dive deeper than...