Intentional Storytelling

Intentional Storytelling

Intentional Storytelling In this high-energy, interactive, one-day workshop, you will learn how to harness the power of stories to forge authentic connections with business partners, prospects and clients. Storytelling is the essential human activity. The harder the...
Newly Appointed Leader Coaching

Newly Appointed Leader Coaching

Newly Appointed Leader Coaching Every newly appointed leader has the eyes of the organization upon her. The fact is, even very competent and experienced executives often falter or “derail” in new assignments requiring a new level of leadership skill. This...
Emotional Intelligence 101

Emotional Intelligence 101

Emotional Intelligence This one-day course is built around the Emotional Competency Inventory (ECI), a multi-rater instrument authored by Dr. Daniel Goleman, Dr. Richard Boyatzis, Dr. David McClelland and HayGroup.  Before attending this program, participants will...
Personal/Career Coaching

Personal/Career Coaching

I have been exposed to many training and development courses during my 30 year career with this company and Presentation Skills 101 is by far the most powerful experience I’ve had.  I heartily recommend it to anyone wanted to improve their communication skills...
Intentional Storytelling

Customer Service 101

Customer Service This one-day course is highly interactive and engaging.  Participants will learn simple techniques to handle any situation to dramatically improve the internal and external customer experience. If you make customers unhappy in the physical world, they...