Assessments, Uncategorized
Chances are your office is pretty slow right now, as coworkers wrap up their summer vacations and your vendors and clients have automated “I will be out of the office until…” messages on their e-mail. If you do business with European companies,...
Body language, News, Presentation skills, Uncategorized, Workshop sampler
Current politics is a boon for network, cable and internet news because every event is so visual. And we’re not even talking about spectacular footage of space launches or significant human achievements, either. These days it’s downright compelling to just...
News, Simulations, Uncategorized
We’re not sure what the first business simulation was, but when you research the topic, you’ll find ample references to the Beer Distribution Game. Unfortunately for some players, the “Beer Game” isn’t supposed to involve any drinking,...
Body language, Development, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
From winning a job to winning new business for your job, presentation skills are both fundamental and an area for continual development. Body language is key. Body language impacts and sends messages to people all the time. We need to be aware of what our bodies are...