Development, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
“Communication skills” has remained at the top of Training magazine’s “Priority Skills for Leadership Development” ranking, for the past three years. In 2018, it ranked first. In 2017 and 2019 it ranked second. It’s likely to stay...
Development, Uncategorized
Kudos to Starbucks for making a statement against racial bias. Closing all their stores for an afternoon of training will cost millions in lost revenue, but pay off in the end. Unfortunately, that payoff is more in the area of public relations than in actual changes...
Development, Uncategorized
Character counts. It’s true for organizations as well as individuals. Recently this question was posed: what are the biggest HR turn-offs you want to avoid in your company’s recruitment efforts? The biggest turn-offs for millennials and Generation Z often...
Body language, Development, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
Fess up. Ever bomb an interview? Maybe it was for a job your really wanted. Or a talk with your boss about a salary increase. Or critical performance review. Or an important sales call. It’s a little bit like a bad dream, because you probably know you’re...
Body language, Development, News, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
Selling an idea, leading a team, winning new business and getting a raise are just a few of the situations in which presentation skills can make a big difference in the outcome. In the three-minute video clip below you can learn about five body language techniques...
Body language, Development, News, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
Or, if you don’t want to be Wonder Woman, you can be Superman. In her talk, “High Performance Presentation Skills: Body Language,” Donna reveals some of the secrets behind her ability to influence and win over a room. There are postures and gestures...