News, Simulations, Uncategorized
We’re not sure what the first business simulation was, but when you research the topic, you’ll find ample references to the Beer Distribution Game. Unfortunately for some players, the “Beer Game” isn’t supposed to involve any drinking,...
Body language, Development, News, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
Or, if you don’t want to be Wonder Woman, you can be Superman. In her talk, “High Performance Presentation Skills: Body Language,” Donna reveals some of the secrets behind her ability to influence and win over a room. There are postures and gestures...
Body language, Development, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
From winning a job to winning new business for your job, presentation skills are both fundamental and an area for continual development. Body language is key. Body language impacts and sends messages to people all the time. We need to be aware of what our bodies are...
Assessments, News, Talent selection
A new employee started at a high-level corporate organization. Talented, well-versed in the field, and eager to succeed, all of her previous experience implied that she would excel in her new role. She participated in mentoring opportunities. She completed work on...
Talent selection, Uncategorized
We’re excited to add a new facet to the Jamesson Solutions products and services: talent acquisition using TriMetrix assessments. Industry thought leader John Sullivan says 2017 is “the year of the algorithm.” Sullivan asserts that the recruiting...
Development, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
At a recent Advanced Presentation Skills workshop, we spent a day with the senior vice presidents of sales representing a global manufacturing organization. We asked these SVPs if they regularly used stories as part of their business communications, from informal...
Development, Uncategorized
This article is the first of a series that will discuss storytelling’s unique power in business communications. We recently talked business and storytelling with Chris Laney, President and CEO of Greensboro, NC-based Zenergy Technologies, a software delivery solutions...
Development, Presentation skills, Uncategorized
Almost all of us will have to speak in front of an audience at some point or another. Whether it’s an internal report to colleagues, an external presentation to current or prospective clients, or a fundraising ask to the local PTA, speaking in public can be nerve...