A business simulation that’s fun, easy to run and powerful, right out of the box
Polygon Puzzle™ is always as popular as it is powerful. A team development tool designed to teach team members to communicate effectively and to collaborate to achieve a common goal successfully.
With Polygon Puzzle you can build a team in less than one hour.
It’s been used in hundreds of organizations from all business sectors, including Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, AT&T, and Intellidex (now Krutham). Polygon Puzzle™ was even used by the United States Senate.
Polygon Puzzle™ is a challenging, exciting, fun filled and highly effective team development activity. Used by hundreds of organizations from all business sectors around the world. Polygon Puzzle enables you to build a team in less than one hour.
Polygon Puzzle was the highlight of our session. Everybody loved it! We will definitely use it again and again.

The puzzle can be used with small groups with up to 30 participants using a single puzzle, or with hundreds of participants using multiple puzzles.
Polygon Puzzle is a Level 1 Simulation, so it can be used out-of-the-box.

How it works
• Participants (8-30 with one puzzle) are divided into working teams to assemble a twenty-eight piece, two dimensional puzzle.
• Participants are given written clues from a deck of thirty clue cards.
• The clues are evenly divided among the work teams, with no single team having sufficient information to solve the puzzle.
• The process consists of three phases; each phase is designed to allow participants to share information within their small team, then with the other teams, and finally to solve the puzzle as a group.
• The solution to the puzzle becomes clear when the small teams learn that they must work together.
• Works well with Individual Assessments like Change Style Indicator and Team Development Assessments like Team Performance Questionnaire.